Monthly view
The monthly view enables you to access all the bookings of the month, while the right button on each row will redirect you to the weekly view.

Click on the "bookings" button to open a popup window that displays all the bookings.

The button with the number will send you to the daily view.
Moreover, you can create a new booking for that day by clicking on the '+' button.

Closed Days
To prevent online booking for specific days, you can utilize the lock icon located in the top-right corner of each day in the month view:

Additionally, you can handle the closed days through the settings menu:

Pending bookings
The calendar view has been updated to show pending bookings separately from the confirmed bookings, providing a quick and easy way to identify which bookings still require confirmation.

Block specific slots
To block off specific time slots for a date, click on the button with the clock icon:

This will show the available time slots for each service associated with the selected date.