
Widget Implementation Guide

The widget can be integrated into your site in two primary ways:

- As a Popup: Triggered by a button click

- Directly Embedded: Visible directly on the page

Important Notice:
It's crucial to ensure that the page hosting the widget is not cached. This requirement is due to WordPress's need to generate a fresh 'nonce' field for security reasons, which should not be cached.

To integrate the widget as a popup, insert the shortcode on your desired page:

[rr_form id="" button="Reserve"]

This method displays a button on the front-end, which, when clicked, opens the widget in a popup mode, allowing users to request a booking. The widget is designed to be mobile-friendly, ensuring a seamless experience across devices.

Embedded Integration

For direct embedding, use the shortcode as follows:

[rr_form id="" embed="yes"]
This configuration makes the widget directly visible on the page. Note that if only one language or schedule is available, the respective dropdown selection will not be displayed, simplifying the user interface.

Multilingual Support

The widget supports multiple languages, allowing for the translation of shift/event names and descriptions. Language changes in the widget automatically update the content to the selected language, enhancing the user experience for multilingual sites.