Tables view
From the floor plan editor you can:
- Add areas
- Add tables to each area
- Create groups of tables for each area

When booking online, if the shift or event are configured to work with tables (instead of max covers), the system will try to assign first a single table to the party, if does not fit then will try with one of the groups of tables.
Let's say that you have 2 tables of 2 persons and you receive a booking for 4 people. A single table will not be enough, so if you create a group with those 2 tables the system will assign both tables for those 4 people.
The system will always try to assign the most optimal table or group of tables to the booking based on the seats needed.
If you need a booking for 3 people and you have 2 free tables with 5 and 6 seats each, then will assign the booking to the table with 5 seats, to leave the less free seats as possible.
Manage the areas using the blue top bar.
The list view display the areas with all tables. You can disable/enable online option for the entire area or for specific tables from here.

Drag and drop tables from the right sidebar sidebar.
You can move them rotate them and select several tables to move them at the same time.

Drag and drop the table to change the order in the list.
The trash icon is for deleting the table.
The edit icon will open a popup for editing the table.
Clicking the green icon will make it online/offline for booking at the front-end.