Drag & Drop reservations


Hello ,

Exciting news from the team behind AlexReservations! Our latest update, version 1.8.4, introduces an innovative feature designed to enhance your experience managing reservations directly from the floor plan view. Here's a quick rundown:

Editing Mode: Easily assign tables to reservations by entering the editing mode. Simply click on the reservation row, and next to the table number, you'll switch to edit mode. Here, you can add or remove tables from the booking. Tables available for selection are highlighted in green, while those in use are not selectable, ensuring a smoother reservation process.

View and edit tables in the reservation system

Drag & Drop: Without entering edit mode, you can assign tables by dragging the plus icon next to the reservation row and dropping it onto any available (green) table, which will then turn red to indicate its selection. If a table is already assigned (red), you can remove it from the reservation by dropping the icon back onto it.

Drag and drop tables onto reservations

Reservation Editing: For a traditional approach, click on the reservation details with the customer's name to bring up a popup view where you can attach tables to the reservation, just as you normally would.

Alongside this major feature, we've also made a few minor updates:

  • Walk-In Form Enhancements: Now includes optional fields for the customer's name, email, and phone.

  • Persistent Login: Accessing the system via the ../ardashboard link now generates a token that keeps you logged in for a year, bypassing the need for frequent logins. This feature can be disabled in admin settings under authentication if desired.

  • Streamlined Reservation Editor: We've simplified the tabs within the reservation editor to three key areas: Reservation Details, Notifications, and Payments.

We're thrilled to bring these improvements to your reservation management experience and hope you find them as beneficial as we do. Wishing you a fantastic day, and we look forward to seeing you in the next update!

Alejandro Pascual
CEO | Founder AlexReservations
Alex Reservations
The WordPress plugin designed to manage restaurant reservations.
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