Decrease your no-show rate with the use of reminders


Hello !

Allow me to introduce you to the newest features that have been introduced with version 1.2.3 of the Alex Reservations plugin.

Email Reminders

You can dispatch now one or multiple email reminders to your customers, ranging from one hour up to 48 hours in advance.

Sending reminders to customers before their restaurant reservations can be crucial in preventing no-shows. No-shows occur when a customer fails to show up for their reservation without prior notice or cancellation.

This can be highly problematic for your restaurant as your may have turned away other customers to accommodate the reservation. Moreover, you may have already prepared for the reservation by setting up tables, staffing appropriately, and ordering the necessary supplies.

Prevent duplicate bookings

A new widget setting has been added to prevent the creation of two bookings with the same email for the same day.

Filter Available Tables

While creating or editing a booking, you can now choose only the available tables. The tables that are already occupied and cannot be selected will be marked in red.

Floor plan updated

A new button has been added to the floor plan to display the bookings associated with each table, providing a quick overview of the entire plan.

Calendar view updated

The calendar view has been updated to show pending bookings separately from the confirmed bookings, providing a quick and easy way to identify which bookings still require confirmation.


- Alejandro
Alex Reservations
The WordPress plugin designed to manage restaurant reservations.