Confirm via email - Alex Reservations



Let me present to you the newest update 1.4.0 of the Alex Reservations Plugin.

Confirm via Email

The latest update includes a convenient feature for administrators. Now, when receiving emails for new pending bookings, administrators can easily confirm or reject them directly from the email itself, without having to access the dashboard. We have also introduced a new tag ({update_button}) that can be used within the email sent to the administrator.

This tag will provide a link to a custom page where all the details of the booking can be viewed, along with two buttons for confirming or rejecting the reservation. It's important to note that once the action has been taken, the link will no longer be active. Additionally, for security reasons, the link will expire after 7 days if no action is taken.

Some Small Adjustments

We have included the assigned tables in the reservation details displayed on the booking card view.

Duplicating shifts and events is made easy for you.

A new search bar has been added to enhance the Monthly and Weekly views.

The reservation duration can now be set in 15-minute intervals instead of 30-minute intervals.

Don't forget to visit our blog as well:

Feel free to reply to this email should you have any questions or if there's an additional feature you're interested in implementing.


Alejandro Pascual
CEO | Founder AlexReservations
Alex Reservations
The WordPress plugin designed to manage restaurant reservations.