Empower Your
Agency with
Our White Label Solution!

White-Label Solution Features

Multi-tenant solution

Manage multiple restaurants from the same dashboard

Individual Dashboards

Each restaurant has its own dashboard

Simple WordPress Site

No need for a multisite setup

Individual Connections

Each restaurant with its own SMTP/SMS connection

All PLUS Features

All features included in the PLUS plan

Embeddable Form

Embed restaurant reservation form in the restaurant's own website

Custom Branding

Custom Branded dashboard

Brugerdefineret loginside

Restaurant custom login page without entering WordPress dashboard

Easy Access

Easy access with pin code and magic link for restaurant users

Flere brugere

Create multiple users per restaurant

Role Management

Manage different roles and permissions for each restaurant independently

Technical Support

Technical support to get you started

How to Use This Calculator

This calculator helps you estimate your potential earnings as a white-label partner and the time it might take to reach your financial goals. Here's how to use it:

  1. Set your desired monthly earnings using the slider.
  2. The license cost per restaurant is fixed at €21.7/month -paid anually or €26 paid monthly-
  3. Adjust the subscription price you'll charge each restaurant.
  4. Estimate how many new restaurants you can acquire each month.

The calculator will automatically show you the total number of restaurants needed to reach your earnings goal and how many months it will take based on your acquisition rate.

Important: The minimum number of licenses you need to acquire is 10.

White-Label Earnings Calculator


Empower Your Business

Get started with our white-label solution today!